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What Size Monitor Is Best for Office Work

How Do Glucose Monitors Work?

Glucose monitors are an increasingly popular tool to monitor your blood sugar due to an increase in the number of people in the United States who have the metabolic disease diabetes. More than 100 million U.S. adults are living with the disease or prediabetes, says the Centers for Disease Control.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is characterized by increased blood glucose levels in the body. This increase is due to low levels of insulin or no insulin at all. Insulin is a hormone that's made in the pancreas. It allows the glucose from the food you eat to get into your cells. When there is not enough insulin available, the glucose can't enter your cells and stays in the blood, resulting in higher blood sugar levels. The lack of insulin production combined with high blood sugar levels over time causes problems with cell function in the body.

What Is a Glucose Monitor?

A glucose monitor, also known as a glucometer, works by using a drop of blood to tell you how much glucose is in your blood at a given time. The test strip that receives the drop of blood is inserted into the glucometer and produces a digital readout of the current blood glucose. The test strip contains glucose oxidase that reacts to glucose in the blood droplet, and the reaction produces an electrical signal in the glucometer. Higher levels of glucose in the blood produce a stronger current. The glucometer then displays the amount of sugar present in the blood based on this electrical signal.

OneTouch Glucose Monitor

OneTouch glucose monitors come in multiple models and sizes. Each glucose monitor works exactly the same. A test strip containing a single drop of blood is inserted, and you immediately see a number corresponding to your current blood sugar. The OneTouch Ultra 2 model is available at the lowest co-pay on most health plans. More advanced models such as the OneTouch Verio meter can link directly with your smartphone, which allows for consistent tracking of your levels.

Tracking Glucose Levels

One of the most important things you can do if you have diabetes is consistently track your glucose levels over time. Consistent blood glucose levels mean the diabetes is being controlled by physical activity, insulin injections and diet. Deviation from normal means that modifications in diet, exercise or amount of medication may be necessary. OneTouch logbook is a free book offered by OneTouch with the purchase of a glucometer, and it allows you to track your levels over time.

Tracking Glucose Levels on Your Smartphone

More advanced monitors like the OneTouch Verio link directly with your smartphone each time a reading is taken. It records the date and time of the sample, as well as the blood glucose level at that time. These readings are analyzed by the computer over time, and any anomalies or trends can be detected. The application on your smartphone can alert you of anything that could pose a problem. Monitoring these levels can be very helpful when discussing your diabetes with your doctor, helping to ensure you're able to manage the disease as effectively as possible.

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What Size Monitor Is Best for Office Work
