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Best Place to Hang My House Swallow Bird House


Wrens, bluebirds and tree swallows are the birds most commonly attracted to single-unit, enclosed bird houses. Each species prefers certain locations and habitats in which to nest and rear its immature.


To attract house wrens and chickadee, place the box very close to or really in the cover of a bush-league or small-scale tree. Wrens seek the shade and protection of thick bushes where mated pairs detect nesting materials and food for themselves and their immature. The box may be placed 3� to 10� from the ground. In our university studies nosotros placed wren boxes at about five�. If encompass is available, wrens will nest as high as 15� from the footing.

The difference between wrens and chickadee is the materials the use to fill the house, The Male Wren will fill many house in a minor area with small twigs and sticks.  And then he will sing till the female person shows upwards and decide to move in. Where Chickadees are already pairs upward and volition work together to make full the house with moss and dog hair or other types of fur.


Bluebirds and Tree swallows are more exciting. Bluebirds will tolerate a shaded box simply usually choose fairly open areas interspersed with trees and shrubs. Place bluebird boxes 4� to half dozen� above the basis. The bluebird is truly a bird of the fencerow, preferring cavities of rotted wooden fence posts. In contempo years, bluebird numbers have profoundly macerated, merely in some localities well-placed nest boxes along fencerows or in orchards accept helped this handsome species maintain its numbers.


The tree consume feeds on the wing and seeks open agricultural fields and meadows or treeless and shrub less wild areas as its nesting place. A nest box for the tree eat must exist placed in the open on a contend postal service or special box support. A broad sweep of open state in front of the box opening is the best inducement for the tree swallow to have the box. This svelte swallow is not detail nearly the height of its nest crenel, provided the in a higher place requirements are met. We recommend placing tree consume boxes 5� to 6� to a higher place the ground.


The wren builds the bulk of its nest of sticks, the bluebird uses grass, and the tree swallow gathers large craven, duck or game bird feathers to line a shallow nest of grass and roots. Where Chickadees fill up the house with moss and dog hair or other types of fur. Unremarkably there is no lack of these materials in the wild, but nosotros have encouraged tree swallows and wrens to utilise our boxes by placing nesting textile near the boxes.

Infinite THE BOXES

Spacing of boxes is necessary because birds space themselves naturally during the nesting menstruum. Some birds, such equally royal martins, gulls, cliff swallows or ledge-nesting sea birds, will tolerate other nests at very close quarters. But others�hawks, owls, kingbirds, and even robins�cannot be crowded into modest spaces, nor can you get wrens to nest together in a house similar martins.

The spacing of nest boxes depends on the system of the food and cover and the degree of isolation this organisation affords. In general, the average city back yard or garden is big enough for one or peradventure two families of wrens. The large expanses required for tree swallows and bluebirds eliminates these birds from most city locations. In farm yards or in rural areas, a tree swallow box should be at least thirty anxiety away from whatever other box. Bluebird spacing is less critical than that for tree swallows, simply a box every 150 anxiety should be adequate.

Put the bird boxes up past March 15 so they volition be set up when the birds get in from the South. Occasionally, unwanted birds like the English sparrow or European starlings accept over boxes. Y'all can discourage them by repeatedly removing their nests. A periodic check will tell you if y'all have desirable tenants to encourage or undesirable ones to evict.

Information technology often takes several boxes placed in the most likely sites to attract one pair of birds.


Several designs have proven successful in providing prophylactic homes for bluebirds.  Use the plan that all-time fits your upkeep, bachelor woodworking tools and woodworking skill. One�inch crude lumber is ideal as it is less expensive and provides better insulation than planed (3/4 inch) lumber or other materials.


��Avoid painting boxes dark colors: they will absorb too much heat.

�Provide ventilation by drilling holes or leaving cracks at the height of the sides of houses (see firm plans).

��Entrance holes should exist i i/2 inches in diameter and most the top  for Bluebirds and tree swallows, And one ane/8" for Chickadees and Wrens,

��Predator guards on poles or at entrance holes are strongly recommended.

��All boxes should accept a side, top or forepart that swings open so boxes can be cleaned out when necessary.

��Put drainage holes in the flooring of all houses.


Bluebirds feed in areas of brusk grass or thin vegetation, locating their casualty from elevated perches. Install your boxes in areas that provide open up space with adequate perches, such as open woodlots, pastures, orchards, hayfields, and roadsides.


��Place houses 200 yards or more from farms. feedlots, buildings, or other areas inhabited by house sparrows.

��Avoid areas where domestic or feral cats are mutual.

��Boxes should exist placed 100 yards autonomously to avoid territorial disputes between bluebird pairs. However, placing boxes in pairs may reduce contest betwixt bluebirds and tree swallows by allowing i pair of each species to nest in close proximity.

��Install boxes four to 5 feet to a higher place the ground and face the openings  southeast,  Buy a 10 foot, 1/2 " conduit pole and cut information technology in half, either drill two 1/eight' hole for 1/2"screws or utilise ii 1/2" pipe subclass  to secure the pole to the back side of the house. Annotation; 1/2" conduit is platonic for keeping mice, snakes and minor rodents from taking up residents or destroying the nests....

��Confront boxes toward trees or shrubs that are within 50 anxiety of box so that young birds tin wing easily to a perch when they go out the nest. Ability lines, trees and shrubs as well provide roost sites for adults.

��To avoid emmet problems, do non place nest boxes on wooden fence posts that are rotten or deteriorating.

��Obtain permission earlier installing nest boxes on utility poles.

��Do not place nest boxes near brushy vegetation along forest edges where house wrens will likely occur. Unless y'all want wrens..

��Avoid placing nest boxes where chemicals are sprayed frequently.

��You lot can discourage climbing predators such as weasel, mice or  raccoons by placing an inverted metallic cone, or employ metallic or plastic pipage, or axle grease around the nest box pole.

Nesting Failures

Raccoon: A predator of bluebirds that will eat the eggs, immature, and adults. Raccoons can climb about annihilation, and can reach into the nest cavity to grab eggs or birds from the nest. Look for a nest that is disturbed. Claw scratch marks may be found on the nest box. Raccoons eat their food outside of the nest cavity, so look for coarsely cleaved eggshell fragments or feathers beneath the nest cavity entrance or near the nest box.

House wren: Most nest losses attributed to wrens occur in nests containing eggs. The eggs are punctured and left in the nest, or are removed subsequently existence punctured and either dropped beneath the cavity archway or carried abroad. The puncture holes may exist very pocket-size. Wrens may build their nest on top of these eggs, so check under wren nests built over active bluebird nests.

House sparrow: They destroy eggs, only ofttimes kill young and developed bluebirds by pecking at their scalps. Look for bluebirds with substantial damage to the scalp region. Feathers will exist missing and claret volition be constitute. Firm sparrows Fill the unabridged business firm total of grasses and oft build their nest over the corpse of their victims. Avoid placing nest boxes in areas with house sparrows, for example near farmyards and in towns.

Snakes: They take nestlings and adults, but most oft eggs. It is very difficult to determine nest failures from this crusade because snakes commonly leave no sign of their visit.

Wessels,Red and flying squirrels: Squirrels will enter the nest box, and unlike raccoons, squirrels eat the eggs within the nest crenel. You should find small fragments of eggshell in the cavity. They can exist a problem almost pine trees.

Other: Other types of nest failure that are uncommon include human, wasps, house cats, and opossum.  Vandalism tin can sometimes be a problem.

Also remember to utilize 1/2" galvanized poles, and make clean your houses out in the autumn and leave open up, Then recheck  and close them back upwards in March to expect the early arrivals.

Heat: During extended periods of hot atmospheric condition in Wisconsin part of or unabridged broods of both bluebird and tree swallow immature may die in nest boxes from overheating. This type of nesting failure tin can only be proven when private nest boxes are checked virtually every twenty-four hour period. If y'all suspect that a brood may be suffering from oestrus you may want to check that box more oftentimes.

Blowflies: Nestling birds are oft parasitized past blowfly larvae.  Adult blowflies lay their eggs in the bluebirds nest. After hatching, the larvae feed on the claret of the bluebird nestlings by attaching to their feet, legs, belly, bill, or wing and tail plume shafts. They feed mostly at night, and drop from the nestlings during the twenty-four hours, returning to the bottom of the nest box. Upwardly to 85% of eastern bluebird nests may be parasitized past these larvae. Artificial nest boxes appear to contain more larvae than natural cavities, with larvae more than numerous during the late summer nesting period. A single nest may incorporate as many as 200 blowfly larvae. When heavy parasitism occurs, the nestlings are weakened and sometimes killed. To determine if there are larvae in the nest box, gently elevator the nest material and look for the larvae on the bottom of the nest box and in the nest material. If larvae are establish, Remove the larvae past scraping them from the bottom of the box.
